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Release Notes: September 2019 (Part I)
Release Notes: September 2019 (Part I)

Introduction to Workspaces, navigation changes, Onedrive, Dropbox and Google Drive integrations, code block and more!

Jenny Hu avatar
Written by Jenny Hu
Updated over a week ago

Introducing Labstep workspaces

A Labstep workspace is a secure digital space where you can share content with other members and get research done. If you don't feel like sharing, workspaces can be used for personal projects allowing you to neatly pull together experiments, protocols and resources. When you're ready to share, workspaces allows you to seamlessly collaborate with colleagues and manage a group or organisation.

Here is a highlight of what workspaces can do:

  • There is no limit on the number of workspaces you can join and create. You can also quickly switch between them with the workspace drop down.

  • Content created in a workspace is now owned by the workspace, therefore, the owner of the workspace has owner permission of the content created in the workspace. The owner of the workspace can promote other workspace members to owner. We hope this makes organisation or group data management more intuitive.

  • Each workspace has its own experiments, protocols, resources and data.

  • You can share items that you own between workspace to shared workspaces.

In addition to the new functionality, we have made the following changes to improve the workspace experience:

  • Workspaces are very flexible and can be used as a project, group or organisation. To make the most out of this new functionality and to make the experience clearer, we have have converted all your projects to workspaces.

  • The phrasing 'My Labstep' is no longer in the platform. You now have your own personal workspace. Content that is shared with you directly via share link, or email, will also appear here.

Improved navigation 

We’ve improved the navigation to help you focus on different tasks and to make it easier to find the data you care about. The major features are all now accessible in the lefthand menu. Access to your profile and settings information is now accessible in the top right of the window by selecting your avatar.

Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive Integrations

It is now possible to browse and link files from your favourite cloud storage tool to any note/result and comment in Labstep. Simply click the plus icon to start!

Code Snippet

Snippets are a quick, easy way to add bits of code, configuration files or log files to your experiments, protocols and resources. To do so, just click the plus icon! The configuration option enables you to choose a language style for your code.

Live experiment improvements

The live experiments feature allows you to quickly jump between your various active experiments. We have made the following improvements to make running multiple experiments in parallel even easier:

  • All experiments appear in live experiments.

  • Any protocol that is associated with the experiment appears underneath it.If protocol has not been started, call to action in live experiment will be start

  • If a protocol has been started, call to action will be continue

  • Completing a protocol will remove it from live experiments

  • Completing an experiment will remove it from live experiments

Other fixes/additions:

  •  Remove shared with me. All content appears in your personal workspace.

  •  Performance improvements.

  •  Protocol editor pop up bug

  •  Explainer text for interactive elements such as timers, tables etc.

  •  Fixed overview orientation on android and IOS

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