Now that you know how to use Tables on Labstep, learn how you can carry out calculations easily and efficiently. For more advanced calculations, click here.
Calculation basics:
How to enter a formula or function
Navigate to the table of your choice
Select a cell
Enter = (equals) in a cell
Type the needed formula or function
Select the cell(s) of your choice
Press 'Enter'
Arithmetic operators
+ → addition – e.g. =D3+C9
- → subtraction – e.g. =C6-B3
* → multiplication – e.g. =F4*B8
/ → division – e.g. =G2/A5
% → percentage – e.g. =B7%
^ → exponentiation – e.g. =H9^2
Comparison operators
> → greater than – e.g. =A6>A9
< → less than – e.g. =B7<J11
>= → greater than equal to – e.g. =C20>=A5
<= → less than equal to – e.g. =D9<=E2
= → equal to – e.g. =B3=B6
<> → not equal to – e.g. =A8<>G1
Basic Functions
SUM → adds the values of the selected cells
AVERAGE → finds the average value of the selected cells
COUNT → counts how many of the selected cells have numbers in them
CONCATENATE → combines the content of the selected cells
MIN → finds the smallest value of all the selected cells
MAX → finds the largest value of all the selected cells
Labstep team tip: If you have to select multiple cells, you can simply enter the first and last cell you need separated by a colon. This will include all the cells between the two cells of reference, including them. E.g. =SUM(D3:D96)
Cell references basics
Reference operators
, → union, combines multiple references into one reference – e.g. =A1,J12
: → range, all cells between two referenced cells, including the two cells – e.g. =C2:F4
@ → reference, indicates implicit intersection in the formula – e.g. =@A1:D10
Absolute references
=C2 → the relative reference of cell C2
=$C2 → the column is absolute and the row relative
=C$2 → the row is absolute and the column relative
=$C$2 → absolute reference of cell C2
All done? To learn how to use cell references on Labstep, click here.
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